Public Meetings
Public input plays an important role in the project development process, specifically providing feedback that helps inform decision-making throughout all phases of development. As we continue planning improvements for Turkeyfoot Road, we welcome your questions and comments.
Public Meeting #2, October 26, 2021
On Tuesday, Oct. 26, 2021, we hosted a public meeting to review roadway improvements currently being planned to improve travel safety and traffic flow along Turkeyfoot Road. Copies of materials shared at the meeting are posted below.
Dudley/Turkeyfoot Intersection
Thomas More Blvd/Town Center Blvd Intersection - Option 1
Thomas More Blvd/Town Center Blvd Intersection - Option 2
Turkeyfoot South with Diverging Diamond Interchange (DDI) at I-275 - Option 1
Turkeyfoot South & Traditional Interchange at I-275 - Option 2
North Turkeyfoot (I-275 to Dixie Highway) - Option 1 (3 lanes)
North Turkeyfoot (I-275 to Dixie Highway) - Option 2 (2 lanes)
Anyone who would like to review the proposed improvements but needs additional assistance can contact Mike Bezold, Branch Manager for Project Development for KYTC District 6, at 859.341.2700 or mike.bezold@ky.gov.
Public Meeting #1, December 3, 2019
KYTC hosted a public Open House on Dec. 3, 2019, to share information about the project and the planning process with the community, answer questions, and gather public input. Copies of materials shared at the meeting are posted below.
Improving Turkeyfooot Road Project Fact Sheet
Working Group Meetings
KYTC has partnered with local community representatives to form two Working Groups to help guide the development of improvement plans for the Turkeyfoot area. The North Working Group concentrates on the stretch of Turkeyfoot Road between I-275 and Dixie Highway and the South Working Group focuses on the area between I-275 and Dudley Road.
Working Group members include local officials, local public works, and/or planning professionals, school/college and major business representatives, as well as representatives from key neighborhoods and interest groups. They will participate in reviewing and fine-tuning improvement alternatives for Turkeyfoot Road and are responsible for:
Representing their community/organization in discussions relating to the project;
Providing updates and disseminating information to their community/organization to facilitate an exchange of information with the project team; and
Sharing their community’s/organization’s questions, concerns, and general feedback with the project team.
Each Working Group will meet two to three times. Meeting materials and summaries will be posted on this page as they come available. Recommendations stemming from these meetings will be presented to the public for review and input before any final decisions are made. Currently, it is expected that the next public meeting will be held in early 2021.
Working Group Meetings – October 2020
The first Working Group meetings were held on October 27 (North Group) and October 29 (South Group) to begin discussions on community preferences for project concepts and design elements. Working Group members were asked to share information covered in the meetings with their neighbors and colleagues and to bring feedback received to the next meeting, planned for February 23 -25, 2021. To view the documents presented at each meeting, click on the links below.
North Working Group Meeting Documents (October 2020)
Three Lane Configuration with Five Foot Sidewalk
Three Lanes Configuration with Roundabout and 10-Foot Shared-Use Path
UPDATE: Alley Entrance Concept (added January 2021)
South Working Group Meeting Documents (October 2020)
Alternative B Conventional Intersection
Alternative B Modified Displaced Left Turn
Alternative B Modified Conventional Intersection
I-275 Conventional Interchange
I-275 Diverging Diamond Interchange
UPDATE: Conventional Intersection Concept (added January 2021)
UPDATE: Fraternity Right In Right Out Concept (added January 2021)
Working Group Meetings – February 2021
Held on February 23 (North Group) and February 25 (South Group), the second set of Working Group meetings focused on providing group members with a progress update, reviewing modifications made to concepts based on feedback received, and further discussing group preferences for proposed improvements along Turkeyfoot Road. Working Group members were tasked to share information from meetings with neighbors and colleagues and to relay feedback received to the project team. Links to updated concepts shared at each meeting are provided below.
North Working Group Meeting Documents (February 2021)
Three lane configuration with 10 ft shared-use path
- Improvements between I-275 Interchange and Dixie
- Conventional interchange at I-275/Turkeyfoot
- 10 ft shared-use path from interchange to Dixie, east side of Turkeyfoot
- Improvements between I-275 Interchange and Dixie
- Diverging Diamond Interchange at I-275/Turkeyfoot
- Aligned Holaday & Applewood
- 10 ft shared-use path from interchange to Dixie, east side of Turkeyfoot
- Optional roundabout at Farmington
- Optional alley access to homes on Turkeyfoot from Elizabeth Ct (driveway access to Turkeyfoot would be removed)
South Working Group Meeting Documents (February 2021)
Alternative B, Modified Conventional intersection
- Improvements between Dudley and I-275 interchange
- Relocated Town Center Blvd
- New Town Center Blvd/Thomas More Pwky intersection (conventional)
- Right in, right out at Fraternity
- Improvements between Dudley and I-275 interchange
- Relocated Town Center Blvd
- New Town Center Blvd/Thomas More Pkwy intersection (narrower)
- Right in, right out at Fraternity